Wild Mango

Overview of Irvingia

Medico Herbs Irvingia is a genus of African and Southeast Asian trees in the family Irvingiaceae, sometimes known by the common names wild mango, African mango, or bush mango. They bear edible mango-like fruits, and are especially valued for their fat- and protein-rich nuts, known as ogbono, etima, odika, or dika nuts.

The subtly aromatic nuts are typically dried in the sun for preservation, and are sold whole or in powder form. They may be ground to a paste known variously as dika bread or Gabon chocolate. Their high content of mucilage enables them to be used as thickening agents for dishes such as ogbono soup. The nuts may also be pressed for vegetable oil.

The fruit is a large drupe, with fibrous flesh. The trees yield a hard wood, useful in construction.

Uses & Benefits

Irviginia (wild mango) is found mainly in central and western Africa, and is often crushed and made into jelly juice or wine. The main benefits from ingesting Irvingia is weight-loss and reducing blood pressure (diastolic & systolic). It may also reduce general blood-glucose levels.

Buy Irvingia Wild Mango Now

Irvingia Wild Mango

Quantity: 50ml

Form: Concentrated Liquid

Price: R100.00 (+ airmail post)

ZAR R100.00

Irvingia Wild Mango

Quantity: 50ml

Form: Liquid Spray

Price: R106.00 (+ airmail post)

ZAR R106.00

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Goods are sent via the Postal Office normally taking 2-7 days to reach the customer (South African orders) and 3-4 weeks (international orders). USA and Canada orders for 50g kanna; Capsules and Spray will be shipped by USPS and should arrive within 5 days